Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Trött på grön curry? Vad sägs om en judisk matfest?

Kreplach are small squares of rolled pasta dough filled with ground beef or chicken and folded into triangles. They can be boiled and served in soup or fried and served as a side dish. They are traditionally served at the pre-Yom Kippur meal, on the seventh day of Sukkot (Hoshanah Rabbah) and on Purim.

DOUGH: 1¾ C flour
2 eggs
½ tsp. Salt
3 Tbsp. Oil

1 cup ground cooked beef or chicken
1 small onion, grated
1 tsp. salt

DOUGH: in a large bowl combine dough ingredients together. Knead and roll out thin on floured board. Cut into 3-inch squares or circles.

FILLING: in a small bowl mix filling ingredients well. See Kreplach illustrated for filling and folding. Kreplach can now be either boiled and served in soup or sauted in oil.

TO BOIL: Place in boiling salted water. Cook approximately 20 minutes until kreplach float to top.

TO SAUTE: Heat oil over medium flame in 10-inch skillet. Saute boiled kreplach until golden brown on both sides.

NOTE: Dough will roll out more easily after being wrapped in a damp cloth for one hour.

YIELDS: 18 Kreplach

Latkes are potato pancakes fried in oil. The oil is a reminder of the miraculous oil that lasted for eight days when the Temple of Jerusalem was rededicated.

(Warning: Always cook with a grown up for help and safety; fried foods can get very hot and can burn!)

You will need:
4 cups peeled, grated potatoes
1 large onion, chopped
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons flour
2 eggs
pepper to taste
2 teaspoons chopped chives (optional)

Wash, peel, and grate the potatoes. Squeeze out liquid. Combine with onion, salt, flour, and pepper (and chives). Lightly beat the egg, and stir into the mixture.

Heat the oil in a skillet, and spoon in tablespoons of the mixture to make medium sized patties. Brown on one side, turn and brown lightly on the other. Repeat with the rest of the mixture.

Serve with applesauce, cottage cheese, yogurt, or sour cream.

Till all den stabbiga maten ovan rekommenderas en råkostsallad på rivna morötter och rödbetor och kanske en judisk/tunisisk potatissallad, smaksatt med oliver, vitlök, vinäger, koriander och cayennepeppar. Sen är det bara att bänka sig framför tv:n och kolla på klagomuren på direktlänk hela kvällen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intressant... jag ska äta kosher-burgare med Marc nästa onsdag på judiska församlingen i sthlm. §elin§

11:07 PM  
Blogger Annamaria och Andrea said...

Kosher-burgare med Marc! hahaha

9:13 PM  

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